Tuesday, August 25, 2009

RIP Joe Maneri (1927-2009)

Yesterday at 4:40 p.m., Utah time, I received the devastating phone call that I was dreading. About 40 minutes prior (6 p.m., Boston time), Joe Maneri passed away.

I feel no fear of contradiction when I say that he was one of the great musicians of the world. He was more than one of the leading microtonal composers and theorists. He was more than one of the most celebrated jazz improvisers (more famous in Europe than America, ironically). He was someone with the truest understanding of and sensitivity towards music of all periods, be it Palestrina or Elliott Carter. He may very well have been one of the most underappreciated classical musicians of his time.

He and his wife, the outstanding artist Sonja Holzwarth Maneri (who did the painting pictured here), were like parents to me. And so I am too speechless to write anymore at this time.

Portrait by Sonja Holzwarth Maneri (image from JoeManeri.com)